Meet us.


The smiles behind the sweets.

We wanted to share a little about us and how Salty Cat Sweets came to life. We are just two small town Kentucky kids who love two things: baking and our cats. After years of telling ourselves we were going to learn how to bake, a global pandemic gave us all of the time that we needed to finally take the leap. Both of us wanted to learn more about baking and share with our friends and family our journey. After multiple requests to sell our sweets, we decided to make our own brand and Salty Cat Sweets was born.

We are constantly learning and experimenting, so this page will allow you guys to stay with us on our journey to bring the best hand-held treats to Kentucky. We can’t wait to share more of our experiences with you.

Until next time!

-Katie and Kyle

Meet our cats.


Jadie - Loves all things that involve Kyle and crinkle noises


Gator - Thoroughly enjoys snacks and naps. Occasional cuddles.