Frequently asked questions

How do I order?

Check out our How To Order Page.

Do you ship or deliver?

We currently do not offer shipping or delivery. We can meet you though- refer to our How To Order Page for more specifications on the locations we will meet at.

Are macarons gluten free?

The shells of all of our macarons are gluten free. Their ingredients include almond flour, powdered sugar, granulated sugar, and egg whites. Most of our fillings are gluten free, but not all- refer to our Macarons Page for more specifications.

Do you offer vegan or dairy free options?

We currently do not offer any vegan specific recipes. Some of our treats are dairy free, but most contain some form of dairy product. Feel free to ask us about any specific treat when ordering.

Do your sweets come into contact with nuts?

Depending on the type of treat and the type of nut, yes many of our treats either contain nuts or could potentially come in contact with but not limited to peanuts, almonds, and pecans. We clean our work space and equipment between every bake thoroughly, but we cannot guarantee any treat will be safe for those with nut allergies.

Where do you buy your macaron towers?

We buy them on Amazon. Here is a link that should provide multiple options- Amazon.