Thanksgiving Pie Collection

Who doesn’t love a good slice of pie?

Something about this time of the year just makes the pie taste better. So in true Salty Cat fashion, we wanted to make our version of this holiday season classic. Thus, the macaron pie collection was born.

When we started debating over which pies would make the best macarons, some decisions were easier than others. For example, there is no way you could have a fall pie collection and not have pumpkin pie. That has to be illegal, we’re sure. So, our first pie macaron was pumpkin which consisted of a delicious pumpkin pie buttercream made with real pumpkin puree.

Next up, we wanted something fruity to really balance those fall spices that you get with the seasonal pies. Another classic came to mind and we landed on apple pie. Nothing screams American dessert like apple pie right? Everyone loves a gooey, warm apple pie or at least we do. Our take included an apple pie filling center that was heavenly surrounded by a cinnamon spiced buttercream to really highlight those flavors in the filling.

With two fall spiced forward pies already on the list, we opted to turn to something a little less traditional for our third flavor. Something bright and tart to give a little break from the usual seasonal fillings. Cherry. You heard us right. Classic pie flavor, not so classic fall dessert. At least in our family traditions. Considering this was our first cherry filling in a macaron though, it turned out pretty great. A cherry jam filling with a cherry vanilla buttercream.

Our final flavor choice was a bit of an interesting one for us. Kyle was obsessed with the idea of a sweet potato pie macaron. We rarely see that pie option in our area to begin with, nevermind on a macaron. So, we wanted to give it a shot. Similar to the pumpkin pie, it was very interesting and delicious to make a sweet potato macaron filling. A few little toasted marshmallows added in really wrapped up the perfect pie collection.

We’re quickly approaching our favorite time of the year. Check back in next month for our Christmas post!

-Kat & Kyle


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