Dog Cupcakes and Character Cakes


Sometimes, our customers have requests that really test our artistic abilities.

One of my lovely co-workers was throwing a party for her two adorable doodles and asked if we could possibly make some dog cupcakes for the humans to enjoy. With some slight hesitation, we agreed to give it a try and I am so glad that we did.

We used our favorite vanilla cupcake recipe with our vanilla buttercream to create these adorable look-a-likes of Uber and Charlie (the birthday boys). We piped out ears and tongues from chocolate wafers, added candy eyes, and caramel M&M’s for the noses. The humans loved them and we are so happy with how they turned out!


Our next customer had a character cake request and we worked with her to find something that worked. I’m sure everyone recognizes this little guy. Even as an adult, “Despicable Me” is one of my favorites! Who wouldn’t love to have thirty of those little guys running around to assist you on a regular basis? We know we could totally use some in the kitchen.

Our favorite stacking vanilla cake as a 4 layered 7 inch with good, old-fashioned vanilla buttercream. Outlining this guy took some serious patience and artistic skills that I am honestly proud of myself for. Overall, so cute and we can’t wait for the next challenge.

Check below for some additional photos of the pups and the minion!

-Kat & Kyle


First Birthday Tea Party Set


50th Anniversary Dessert Set